Roll the dice, pray for a lucky roll, and collect all the settlements from the Dustland!

Being just a regular Dustcap, never in your wildest dreams would you have imagined having a chance of owning Coyote Skull right? I mean, that’s way above your pay grade and Mayor Jade would probably scold you a lot for even thinking that. Well, guess what, you’ll get to experience just that in our very own Dustland Dustnopoly!
From October 9th, 00.00 UTC to October 31st, 00.00 UTC (I know, what a way to spend Halloween night!), get ready to run with your teammates, thank the stars for your lucky dice rolls and feel what it’s like to own a part of Kettlemine!
Champion Team: Common Herald Eggs + 4000 $COLLAB to each team member.
2nd Team: 2000 $COLLAB to each team member.
3rd Team: 1000 $COLLAB to each team member.
NOTE: All participants who achieve 25KM and above individually within the event period will be eligible to receive $COLLAB tokens in proportion to their KM run from a separate [REDACTED] $COLLAB pool.
How to participate:
Step 1: Join our Zealy (previously Crew3) Sprint
All Dustcaps are welcome to join the Dustnopoly campaign on Zealy. But before we get to that, make sure you’re registered here.
Step 2: Fill in Team Members Registration (Mandatory)
For late registrants, you still have a chance to register and get put into a team as long as you register before 12th October 00.00 UTC.

For verification purposes and teammate randomization in Dustnopoly, ensure you indicate:
- Your valid Dustland account email address
- Your country of residence
- Discord Username (case sensitive & in this format: CryptoPro#9394)
- Twitter Handle (case sensitive & in this format: @ CryptoPro)
- Number of Ape Passes held (If no Ape Pass, just type “Nil”)
- Wallet address where your Ape Passes are held (We will verify your Ape Pass ownership on Etherscan. If no Ape Pass, just type “Nil”)
- Ethereum wallet address for Reward
- Optimism wallet address for Reward
Step 3: Run daily with your teammates to accumulate KMs
Each team member will need to complete any mission individually, for a maximum of 1 hour in a single mission, once per day. The distance achieved will be contributed to the team’s total distance for the day.
Step 4: Submission onto Zealy
Each team member will need to take a screenshot of the Mission Completion End Page and submit it to Zealy. We will check and record it. The Mission Completion End Page, as the example shown below, should display the date, total time, average pace and KM (Please adjust from Mile to KM in your Dustland Runner app Setting)

Step 5: Team Leader to roll dice
Each team’s Team Leader will need to log in to a special website to roll dice daily. We will let you elect a Team Leader in Discord. Login credentials will be informed in Discord.
Step 6: Winning Condition
At the end of the event, the top 3 teams with the most accumulated total distance win.

Game guide:
1/ Distance (in KM) will act like currency in all transactions in-game.
2/ All teams start moving from Kettlemine (clockwise, from right to left at the lower row) by rolling the dice. One roll of dice per day, refreshes at 0:00 UTC.
3/ Each land can have a maximum of 3 different owners. Land price is 15KM, rental 6KM (divided equally among all current land owners).
4/ A land can only have a maximum of 3 Camps built, so it is on First-Come-First-Serve basis. Once they land on the same land which they bought earlier, they can start building their first Camp. A team can only build 3 Camps maximum, where it can build one only when it lands on the same land. Camp’s price and rental are as follows:
a) 1st Camp — price: 3KM, rental: 1.5KM
b) 2nd Camp — price: 6KM, rental 3.5KM
c) 3rd Camp — price: 9KM, rental 5.5KM
5/ Rental should always be paid first before any purchase. If Team A lands on a land that’s owned by it and another Team B, Team A has to pay half of the Land Rental to Team B before building any Camp. ⅓ if there is a 3rd Land owner on the same land. Other teams’ Camps have to be paid individually in accordance with their quantity on that land.
6/ Land or Camp must be purchased on the Round the team steps on the land. Failure to do so due to lack of funds will forfeit the right to do so after that Round.
7/ Opportunity Cards (!) & Chance Cards (?) contains all the positive / negative effects:
a) Spider Lurking: Lose 11% of Team Distance for the day only.
b) Vultures Attack: Lose 9% of Team Distance for the day only.
c) Leg Cut By Glass… Owch!: Lose 3.5% of Team Distance for the day only.
d) Provision Package From Buster: Gain 1% of Team Distance for the day only.
e) Provision Shortage: Lose 1.5% of Team Distance for the day only.
f) Warhound Chase: Lose 2.5% of Team Distance for the day only.
g) Delivery Package from Dustcap 5: Gain 3% of Team Distance for the day only.
h) Happy Hour in Liquid Gold’s Bar: Gain 4% of Team Distance for the day only.
i) Ride Offer by Mr. N: Gain 10% of Team Distance for the day only.
j) Found Water Source: Gain 2% of Team Distance for the day only.
k) Pirates Pursue: Lose 0.5% of Team Distance for the day only.
Run and roll to get and top, have fun Dustcaps!
About OliveX (BVI) and $DOSE
OliveX (BVI) is building a fitness metaverse where players can work out at home, in the gym, or outdoors to gain in-game rewards. These experiences are linked together with $DOSE, which can be attained as a reward in one experience and spent in another. Follow us on social media for the latest updates and announcements related to $DOSE:
Restrictions on our Games, Fitness Metaverse, and $DOSE

Keith Rumjahn is CEO and founder of Dustland. He is an expert on fitness and a speaker on move to earn at multiple conferences.